Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Anna Gibson-Steel 60 Second Panic Solution Review

At the end of this post, I have also placed some important consumer alerts about various schemes I've found from dodgy websites promoting 60 Second Panic Solution (60SPS) with absolutely no knowledge of the product and that may have ulterior motives to try and trick you into visiting their sites.

  As a lead reviewer and editor for one of the most trusted review sites online, I’ve examined hundreds of digital ebooks and have become pretty proficient at separating legitimate product reviews from fake ones.  I developed this fan site as a way to help men and women interested in Anna Gibson-Steel's panic attack treatment program.

At the end of the day, I believe it's the consumer's responsibility to do their own due diligence before investing in any program, but I definitely want to share with you what I've discovered during my own research in case it helps.

As always, if you have a question about 60SPS that isn't answered in one of the posts on this 60 Second Panic Solution review site, I field questions at the following email: kaleyjuniper (at) gmail.com and will do my best to get back to you ASAP.  Sometimes it may take me a few days, but if you put "60 Second Panic Solution Question" in the title of your email, it will help me find it and respond quicker.

Product Category: Health

Product Sub-Categories: Panic And Anxiety, Home Remedies

Product Description:

60 Second Panic Solution by Anna Gibson-Steel gives you instant, online access to a simple, step-by-step system in which Anna teaches you her powerful secrets, techniques, and unique treatment method for quickly and easily stopping a panic or anxiety attack in just 60 seconds.  These are the exact same techniques Anna personally used to completely eliminate her own anxiety, and her program not only stops panic attacks in 60 seconds, but also helps most people become panic attack free in about 21 days.

The easy to implement concepts and techniques taught in the 60 Second Panic Solution system use a combination of cutting-edge science and Neuro-Activation Therapy to tap into the power of your body-mind connection and "de-activate" your "lizard brain" whenever you feel like a panic or anxiety attack is about to rear it's ugly (and scary) head. 

The 60 Second Panic Solution is based on principles known for thousands of years and proven by the latest scientific research, but you won't need a PhD or science lab to implement them.  The program works for adults and even children as young as age 5.

Best of all, the step-by-step, done-for-you system inside Anna Gibson-Steel's 60 Second Panic Solution guide works without medications, expensive therapy sessions, or harmful side effects. (Click here for more information)

Examples Of Techniques And Concepts Taught In The Course:

    How To Pinpoint Your Own Unique Early Warning Signs so you can stop panic and anxiety attacks before they ever take control of you.

    How To Master The 60 Second Panic Solution Technique so you can take back control and stop attacks in under 1 minute.

    How To Get Rid Of Any Persistent Anxiety, Phobia, Or Fear even if you have no idea why you have it or why it makes you so afraid.

    How To Use Anna's Clever "Thought Patrol" to eliminate panic and anxiety for good in just 3 weeks.

    The Real Key To Getting Relief From Panic Attacks and why you probably haven't ever noticed it before.

    And Many More...

Product Notables:

Anna Gibson-Steel's 60 Second Panic Solution has just been released and already holds a Clickbank gravity score of over 10 (highly popular).  It is currently the #3 rated anxiety treatment program in the Clickbank Marketplace behind only Panic Away and The Linden Method. 

Clickbank is one of the leading providers of digital info-products online and uses a variety of factors such as sales volume, popularity, refund rates, and overall customer satisfaction to rank products, so gravity score and marketplace rank are good indicators of product quality.

File Format:

60 Second Panic Solution is a digital product and can be downloaded instantly after purchase in PDF (ebook) format or viewed online.  The complete system includes PDF guides, video tutorials, and mp3 audio downloads.

The 60 Second Panic Solution program is compatible with desktop and laptop computers, iPhones, iPads, and virtually any tablet, smart phone, or other device that has PDF and video viewing capabilities.

Product Cost: $67.95 USD, one-time payment

Shipping Cost: None – nothing is shipped; everything is delivered online

Consumer Alerts Regarding 60 Second Panic Solution

With the release of 60 Second Panic Solution online, I've seen a large increase in the number of websites offering up fake reviews, fake discounts (or claiming free downloads), and doing other shady things to bring you to their sites.  Usually these sites are pretty easy to identify if you know what to look for.  Here's how you can protect yourself.

1.) The Fake Scam Alert:

This is indicative of sites that usually use a title to their page that says something like, "60 Second Panic Solution SCAM!" or "60 Second Panic Solution: Read About The Anna Gibson-Steel SCAM!" or something of that nature.  In other words, when you search for 60 Second Panic Solution in Google or another search engine, these sites show up with those types of titles in the listings.

Sometimes these sites will also use what I call the “Fear Factor” in their headlines which is something like, “60 Second Panic Solution: OMG So Bad!”.  This is often nothing more than an attempt to draw you into their site by making you think they used the product and had a really bad experience with it.

How do I know these are fake and not real scam alerts or legitimate complaints?  Because the title cries SCAM!!!!! or a really horrible experience, but then you go to the page and read the review and it's always an extremely positive, glowing review about how great 60 Second Panic Solution is, how much they love it, etc. etc. 

In these instances, they only use the word SCAM to draw you into their site and not because they actually think the program is a scam or because they had a bad experience with it.  It's simply a way to get you to click on their site because they know if they say something is a scam or a terrible program, you'll probably click on their link to find out more about it, so you don't get duped, right?

Honestly, it's kind of tragic because a lot of really good programs get an immediate bad reputation when the first thing people see on Google is a bunch of listings that have the word "SCAM" in them...and for no other reason than some unscrupulous person trying to get a few more visitors to their own site.

A legitimate bad experience or a real scam alert to help protect consumers is one thing, but don't fall for this type of trickery and trust your gut when the headline/page title and review don’t match.  These people don't have your best interest at heart because no real 60 Second Panic Solution review will cry SCAM or claim it's a terrible program in the title only to offer up a review that says the complete opposite.

2.) The "Extra Special, Super Expensive" Bonus Package Alert:

With this nonsense, people who have no knowledge of the program offer up some sort of extra special bonus package if you purchase the product through their site.  Usually they mark it as something super valuable like $297 or $497 or something like that, but in reality it's just a bunch of useless ebooks or Private Label Rights (PLR) that you can find online for free if you search for them.

Usually they aren't even related to the actual product.  For example, they'll be something like "Buy 60 Second Panic Solution through the link below and I'll send you "101 Best Dog Training Secrets" and these 10 other useless, unrelated, and free books that I've put a fake value of $497 on."  Really?  What does training your dog have to do with ending your panic attacks and anxiety?  That's right, NOTHING!

To claim your bonus, they usually want you to email your purchase receipt to them so they can verify you bought from their site.  But then, guess what?  Now they have your email (not to mention your order details), and can start sending you a bunch of spam or even access the product using your information!  Stay away.

3.) The Fake Review:

This one is pretty common.  Anytime a product like 60 Second Panic Solution gets popular online and people start to buy it, the fake reviews start coming out of the woodwork.  Here are some good ways to spot fake reviews.

*Poorly Written Content:

This is usually the result of people using software and "spinning tools" which auto-generate content or take previously written content and "spin it" by replacing some words with related synonyms.  Luckily for us, auto-generated content is pretty easy to spot so if you find yourself reading something that has really horrible grammar or makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, then don't click on any links, hit your back button, and get out of there.  If you find yourself saying, “WTF did I just read?”, then it's probably fake.

*Very Generic Content:

Fake reviews usually have very generic content and rarely provide any real details beyond what might be found on the product's sales page.  Obviously, it's hard to write any review without some generic statements, but if you're getting the gut feeling they are being very vague and seem to be "skirting around the bush", it's probably because they have no idea what's really inside the program.

*Keyword/Product Name Stuffing:

Fake reviews will often have the title of the program repeated over and over again and "forced" or "stuffed" into sentences.  For example, it might have sentences that say something like, "60 Second Panic Solution is a really awesome program so read this 60 Second Panic Solution review and get the 60 Second Panic Solution PDF by going here to download 60 Second Panic Solution."  People do this to try and rank their sites higher in Google, but if you see this sort of thing stay away!  Google usually does a pretty good job of filtering out these types of sites, but not always.

*More Things To Look For:

Other things to look for are an over-reliance on or excessively large buy now, download, and other types of buttons.  Sure, 1 or 2 buttons may be necessary to direct you where to get the program, but when they become the focal point of the page instead of the content and review itself, then it raises a red flag with me and I know that person doesn't have my best interest at heart.

If you're trying to be helpful by telling me about the program instead of just wanting my money, do I really need a

Just another lie you should watch out for.  The price will always be $67.95 unless Anna Gibson-Steel decides to change it herself.  If she does, I'll be sure to let everyone know!

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